Navigation » List of Schools, Subjects, and Courses » Microbiology 020 – General Microbiology » Discussion » 4.5 Discussion 3 Bacteria in our body » 4.5 Discussion 3 Bacteria in our body Sample Answers

Bacterial communities growing in our body are affected by our lifestyle. To participate in this discussion forum, read the short article Humans have a complicated relationship with the microbes inside us (Links to an external site.) and answer the 2 questions below.
- Do you agree or disagree that simply labeling bacteria living in our body as “good bacteria” or “bad bacteria” may not be the best way to think about them?
- In what way can harmless bacteria, even beneficial bacteria, become harmful to us? Point out what may happen to our relationship with bacteria living in our gut when we eat too much protein & use antibiotics.
Post your answers to this discussion forum by 11 pm Tuesday night, Mar 15 (to do so, just click the “reply” button at the top of the introduction thread below). By Tuesday night at 11 pm the following week, Mar 22, please reply to at least 2 of your classmate’s posts. In each reply, state whether you agree or disagree with the posted answers & provide a brief justification of your response.
Check out the rubric for this assignment by clicking the menu button at the upper right hand corner, then selecting “Show Rubric”.
There are many types of bacteria living in our body and I believe that they cannot be readily classified as either “good bacteria” or “bad bacteria” because it