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Search online for another article about disruptive innovation. Write 2-4 sentences in your own words to answer these questions using your notes from the article. Give us a link to the article at the end of your thread.
- What is another example of disruptive innovation that is not mentioned in our textbook?
- Which market did this new example disrupt? Has the effect been positive or negative?
This assignment is worth 10 points. It will be graded based on the content of your answer, your use of academic language, and the relevance of the article you found. Click on the attached rubric to see grading details and feedback.
To insert a link to an article in your thread: Use the chain symbol in the middle of the second row above to copy and paste the address. Type a few words in the text box like this: My article.
Based on the given article, one contemporary example of disruptive innovation is Netflix. Primarily, it started with a DVD by mail rental for its offered