Discussion on the “Emergence of Christianity in the Early Roman Empire” Answer

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“Emergence of Christianity in the Early Roman Empire” Forum

Initial post due by Friday April 1 at 11:59 p.m.  Replies due by Sunday April 3, 2022 at 11:59 p.m.



Once you have read pp. 158-164 (Everything under the heading of the Emergence  of Christianity in the Early Roman Empire in Chapter 6) in your textbook, read slides 66-88 of the power point on Chapter 6, and the brief lecture of St. Paul of Tarsus, post your reply to the following question: 

“What factors allowed Christianity to grow from a Jewish splinter group on the fringes of the Roman Empire to a significant religion with followers in most others regions of the Roman world?“


By Sunday night at 11:59 p.m., please reply to at least two of your peer’s posts.  In each reply, please do the following:

  1. Share some thoughtful feedback in response to their thoughts on the question.


Grading Rubric

The following rubric will be applied when your forum posts/replies are graded.

Rubric for discussion questions.docx 

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There is a number of factors that enabled Christianity to emerge from being a splinter group on the fringes of the Roman Empire to being one of the major religions of the world. these are

This question is taken from History 001 – Introduction to Western Civilization I » Spring 2022 » Discussion