Navigation » List of Schools, Subjects, and Courses » English 102 – Critical Thinking/Lit » Discussion » Poetry Analysis » Poetry Analysis Sample Answers

Looking at Meaning
For the following discussion, we will look at some of the poetic devices that you’ve learned about this week, and see how they have been used to support the poet’s craft and means of making meaning.
For your Initial Post – DUE Thursday by 11:59 p.m.
- Choose ONE of the poems below.
- Identify THREE poetic devices and explain how you see that the poet has used them to build the impact, meaning, and experience of the poem.
- Initial post should be between 200-300 words.
For your Second Post – DUE Saturday by 11:59 p.m.
- Respond to at least two of your peers. Share the love. Don’t reply to an analysis that has already received multiple responses if others are languishing.
- In your reply, note another poetic device in the poem that has not yet been analyzed (by any classmate on the board at the time of posting!), or
- Note an expansion of your peer’s interpretation or a contradiction of your peer’s interpretation that you believe is more likely.
For your Third Post – DUE Monday of WEEK THREE by 11:59 p.m.
- Post your “Final Edit’ in which you review and expand upon your original analysis by incorporating ideas proposed by peers – directly to your post, or throughout the Discussion Board.
Discussion Guidelines
Read and respond to others’ posts as well, keeping in mind some basic rules for netiquette:
Be kind and respectful to others Use full sentences
Don’t use too much jargon
Treat others online as you wish to be treated Use language that supports others
The Peace of Wild Things focuses on an individual’s sensitivity to the planet’s prospective state because of current anxieties that can only be addressed by a journey