Navigation » List of Schools, Subjects, and Courses » HUM 250 – Cross-Cultural Competency » Discussion » Discussion B » Discussion B Sample Answers

Welcome to the discussion. In this course you will be introduced to a topic in the discussion. The first week of the module you will write about your initial thoughts after reviewing the resources. The initial post should be at least 300 words.
During the following week you will reply to at least two of your classmates. The replies should be at least 100 words. See the discussion rubric for more details on grading.
Discussions should be completed after the lesson portion of the week, so you can apply concepts from the lesson in your post.
DO NOT LOOK UP ANY SOURCES unless specifically directed to do so. You must write all your own text to earn credit.
“It is better to study major international languages like English rather than to spend time on minority languages for the sake of regional identity.” Do you agree? What would be the benefits and detriments? What would be gained and what would be lost? Write a meaningful answer that fully addresses the question above.
I do agree that it is better to study major international language such as English rather than spend time on minority for the sake of regional identity. In today’s era where technology