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NOTE: You cannot see other student replies until you reply yourself first.
Complete the following tasks below before the due date. This is a mandatory assignment and is proof of your “attendance” on here. This means if you do not complete EVERYTHING before the due date, you are considered not here and will be dropped from the class.
The assignment is due Monday before 11:59 p.m. Failing to do this will also result in you being dropped from the class.
You must do the assignment to continue with the class.
Part 2:
Answer all parts of the required questions to receive full credit.
Reply to at least 1 other classmate before the due date.
Read the definitions of primary and secondary sources on LAHC library website (Links to an external site.)
Listen to the lecture on primary source in Module 1. Here is the link.
1627 Regimento da Língua da Cidade e dos Jurubaças menores e Escrivaens (17th century government record from Macau)
IMAGE 2 (The entire article is attached as a pdf)
PA#1 Questions
Answer all parts of the questions in complete sentences.
1) What is the definition of a primary source?
2) What is the definition of a secondary source?
3) Image 1: Explain why the document is a primary source.
4) Image 2: Why is the article a secondary source?
5) Reply to 1 classmate. Response has to be more than just I agree or disagree with you. Explain the reason you agree or disagree.
Rubric Responses must be in complete sentences. You must reply to one classmate and answer all parts of the questions in order to receive full credit for the assignment.
5 points 4 points: Questions The responses are clear and comprehensive. All parts of the questions are answered. 1 points: Reply to classmate is analytical. Your reply to one classmate must be more than just I agree with you or I disagree with you. Explain the reasons for agreeing or disagreeing with your classmate. If you copy and paste from an online source without giving credit to the source you will receive an “F” on the assignment. |
Part 2:
1) These documents are first-hand accounts of a historical event during the time that it happened. It can also be a document written on a later date by the people who participated in