Navigation » List of Schools, Subjects, and Courses » AMST 324 – American Immigrant Cultures » Discussion » Week 4 Discussion Forum » Week 4 Discussion Forum Sample Answers

Per the syllabus, the discussion questions for this class are designed as blogs. You will have until Friday at noon to respond to the questions I post.
You are not obligated to respond to another student-but if something moves you, feel free to do so! (I will make sure to do the same!) You’re also welcome to include images, links, video, as you see fit.
You should peruse the syllabus for how I will grade these items, but in case you’ve had a long day (haven’t we all?), here’s the info:
The following point system will be used to evaluate your posts:
- 10-9 points: Extremely detailed, thoughtful, and highly analytical, raises original and insightful ideas, uses numerous examples to support claims, addresses all questions
- 8-7 points: Very detailed, thoughtful, analytical, raises original ideas, uses some examples to support claims, addresses all questions
- 6-5 points: Some detail and/or thoughtful analysis, still raises some original ideas, uses some examples to support claims, might omit one question
- 4-3 points: Limited content and analysis, fewer examples to support claims, post needs more thought and analysis, might seem rushed or omits some questions
- 2-1 points: Extremely limited in content and analysis, zero to very few examples to support claims, might appear rushed or unrelated to original post
- 0 points: No post or post plagiarizes other student’s post
Week 4 Blog/Forum
Imagine you are a politician or health authority who is knowledgeable of this week’s content. Explain why historically you think it was justifiable or non-justifiable to inspect people upon entering the US in order to contain the spread of suspected diseases. Explain why historically you think it was justifiable or non-justifiable to quarantine people and/or destroy their property in order to contain the spread of suspected diseases. Then explain what circumstances would make a similar response necessary today-or in the future OR why such a response would never be acceptable today-or in the future.
After learning about “Typhoid Mary,” do you think Mary Mallon was a victim or a villain-or perhaps both? Do you think a different approach should have been used in her case-or was this the best option to “contain” the danger?” At the Texas-Mexico border, officials used gasoline, Zyklon B and DDT to “delouse” the clothing and bodies of immigrants. Do you think the government should or should not be liable for any damages caused using these chemicals?
Reflecting on this week’s lesson, I can see that the immigrants have experienced another challenge at the hands of the American people. Primarily, they have been seen as the carrier of diseases. Considering myself as a politician, I