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If your MBTI showed you are a P, you probably hate this class and this chapter in particular. But the truth is that you need to plan, set goals, and track your goals in order to successfully manage your life. Successful people based their decisions upon their values and prioritize their time, money, and energy on those values that are most important to them. Planners and agendas help people prioritize what is important to them and identify the individual steps they need to take to achieve their goals. Goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timed (S.M.A.R.T). When I ask students what they want to do with their degree once they get it, I too often hear “I just want to work with __________.” or ” I hear I just want to be happy.” These statements are to vague to be useful. I often respond, by asking students if they want to be janitor working with __________ – to which they respond a resounding, NO!. Without goals that are S.M.A.R.T you have no clear direction as to where you are going and are likely to end-up in a place you did not want.
At this point in the process you should have a good idea of what the Management Process Model is and how to use. What aspects of the Management Process Model do you like, dislike, and how are you using what you have learned so far in the planning of your life?
You will earn 2.5 points for responding to all the questions above and 2.5 points for responding to another student’s responses to the questions.
The managerial process is a tool to make sure that managers effectively look after operations and process (e.g., planning, decision making etc.). The aspects that I like most about the managerial process is the feedback