Navigation » List of Schools, Subjects, and Courses » CABOT 105 – Introduction to Office Correspondence » Discussion » Listening … Only Listening! » Listening … Only Listening! Sample Answers

(Links to an external site.)Directions: Practice sincere communication by listening.
First, watch the video
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During the week LISTEN INTENTLY FOR 2 DAYS. Observe a conversation – do not become involved in anyway … just listen – in which the people use or abuse the tips from the video. Do not initiate the conversation. Just listen.
Address the following in your Discussion:
1) In one (1) paragraph only – no more – describe the situations where you were quiet and your observations including Who. When. Where. Why.
2) Which strategies were the most abused? Provide a bullet list of 3 – 5 key points.
3) What might have helped? (This is another single paragraph).
Decrease or eliminate your phone usage to help you in this exercise. Were you successful or not?
Objective: To determine what listening strategies might have helped in the specific situation described and why.
2 paragraph MAXIMUM. A paragraph is 4 to 6 clear, concise, complete English sentences. The lists should stand alone; this means you will have 2 well-written paragraphs and a list.
Your work so far has been excellent! I trust this will be too.
Please respond with your investigation by FRIDAY and respond to 3 peers by SUNDAY.
Common Errors: Engaging in the conversation. Please choose two (or more) people and listen to their conversation. Resist any impulse to jump in and talk. We are watching, listening, and observing what others do. Okay.
In a strategic meeting we recently had in my job, I had a job to become a listener. Our manager laid down the objectives and the targets set for the team to achieved, and our supervisor mentioned specific action plan she had