Navigation » List of Schools, Subjects, and Courses » Humanities 105 – The Human Struggle » Discussion » San Domingue (Now Haiti) and Touissant L’Overture Discussion » San Domingue (Now Haiti) and Touissant L’Overture Discussion Sample Answers

Once you’ve turned in your written responses to me, pick a section of your response to post in the discussion board for this class. You should complete your initial post by Thursday, March 10 at 11:59PM.
You can post your golden line, your summarizing language and inquiry question for the 1801 constitution, or A Concise History of the Haitian Revolution or you can post your response to the video Touissant L’Overture the Black Napoleon That Freed Haiti’s Slaves. Pick your response to either the film, article, or the constitution–whichever you found more interesting and felt like you had more to say about!
By Sunday, March 13th at 11:59PM make sure that you respond to a classmate’s post commenting with a response to one of their inquiry questions making sure to include a quote from one of the readings or the videos that enhances your response.
The golden line that stuck to me in the reading, “Constitution of 1801” is this: Art 4: All men can work at all forms of employment, whatever their color. I feel that this law provides a way to establish that Haiti is a free country