Navigation » List of Schools, Subjects, and Courses » Religion 100 – Introduction to the Study of Religion » Discussion » Module 03: Discussion – What Is Religion? » Module 03: Discussion – What Is Religion? Sample Answers
We are showing you only the excerpt of our answer. If you need help with the complete answer email us at 

Part one: Initial post:
Browse YouTube for videos that explain what religion is:
- search YouTube using the search phrase <what is religion?> ( without the brackets)
- view a few videos that come up in the search
- Select one video that you found most interesting (keep it to less than 15 minutes)
- copy and paste the video URL into a post in this discussion forum (you can also use the “apps tool” feature to embed videos from YouTube) (how to do it).
- Say something about the video you selected: In a few sentences to a paragraph summarize what the video is presenting and why it caught your attention.
This question is taken from Religion 100 – Introduction to the Study of Religion » Spring 2022 » Discussion