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Module 04: Reflection 3 – The Origin of Religion
After watching the video Origin of Religion,
Respond to two of the theories presented:
- which you most disagree with (critique) and
- which you most agree with and why?
As a summary outline/reminder:
- James Frazer (anthropologist): attempts of early man to control nature through ritual (wrote: The Golden Bough)
- Sigmund Freud (psychology): a projection of childhood dependency, illusion, neurosis (wrote: The Future of an Illusion)
- William James (psychology): Religious experience is valuable for human well-being (wrote: Varieties of Religious Experience)
- Rudolf Otto (theologian): “Prophet” type “founders” of religions, based on their direct “numinous” experiences of the sacred (wrote: The Idea of the Holy)
- Carl Jung (psychology): collective unconscious of humanity, explains universal patterns (archetypes) found in otherwise unrelated religions and mythologies. To study religion is to study ourself!
This question is taken from Religion 100 – Introduction to the Study of Religion » Spring 2022 » Reflection