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This assignment offers an opportunity to report on our progress when it comes to sleep behaviors. The purpose of this is to help hold ourselves accountable to better lifestyle habits. We will also consider new ideas from peers to further improve our sleep habits, and provide positive feedback to peers on their motivating and creative ideas.
Assignment Instructions:
Original Post: 10 points
- During module 4, we collected strategies to improve sleep habits, then you were asked to immediately put those changes into action!
- Describe your intended changes and when you intended to fit it into your busy life.
- Report whether you followed through with your intended plan. Did you take action and make the changes? Be honest here, as not doing so is merely self-delusion!
- If you DID succeed in your intended changes, examine why. Did you prepare ahead of time in some way? How? Your explanation will help others succeed with their plan.
- If you DID NOT succeed in making your intended changes, figure out why. Was the change too big to manage? Did it require time that you were unable to give to it? If so, what change could you select for next week that is more manageable OR how can you better prepare for this change (organization-wise? time-management-wise?) to succeed in your changes. If you lacked general motivation to make this change, then maybe you should challenge yourself to taking on a different change related to this topic.
- Your response should be at least 150 words, so please put some thought into it.
- Reminder: Per the syllabus policy, only your first original post counts toward your score. Please think through all of the questions above and reply to them in ONE reply post.
Follow-up Post: 10 points
- After making your original post (steps 2-3 above), review the posts of your peers. Find a peer’s post that can help you with your behavior change plan or give you new ideas of things to change concerning this topic. Make a comment explaining how this idea inspires you and how you might fit it into your life. Your response should be at least 150 words, so please put some thought into it.
After you’ve made at least 2 posts (you may reply to more than 1 peer if you wish), your response is complete.
I had always taken for granted the importance of sleep; this topic had been another eye opener for me. I had always thought that I am keeping myself and my family healthy, but I was so wrong, from our past lessons until now, this journey kept