Navigation » List of Schools, Subjects, and Courses » History 001 – Introduction to Western Civilization I » Discussion » Discussion Forum of: Mutual obligations between lords & vassals & position of peasants. » Discussion Forum of: Mutual obligations between lords & vassals & position of peasants. Sample Answers

Initial post due by Friday April 29 at 11:59 p.m. Replies due by Sunday May 1, 2022 at 11:59 p.m.
Once you have read pp. 242-249 (Land and Power Viking, Muslim, and Magyar Invasions, c. 790-955, After the Carolingians: the Emergence of Local Rule, Public Power and Private Relationships, and Warriors and Warfare in chapter 9.) in your textbook and the power point, post your reply to the following question:
Describe the system of mutual obligation between lords & vassals that developed in the ninth and tenth centuries, the social and political conditions that supported it, and the position of peasants.
By Sunday night at 11:59 p.m., please reply to at least two of your peer’s posts. In each reply, please do the following:
- Share some detailed and thoughtful feedback in response to their thoughts on the question.
Keep in mind that this might be a question on your final. Feel free to help your peers out, if they should need any assistance.
Grading Rubric
The following rubric will be applied when your forum posts/replies are graded.
In the 9th and 10th centuries, Carolingian society was highly hierarchical and strictly defined. People were divided into those who pray, those who fight and those who work. Obligations and rights vary depending on the class a person