Navigation » List of Schools, Subjects, and Courses » History 135 – Native American History » Discussion » Discussion Post: Primary Sources Andrew Jackson and the Cherokee Response » Discussion Post: Primary Sources Andrew Jackson and the Cherokee Response Sample Answers

Directions for Discussion Post: Primary Sources: Andrew Jackson and The Cherokee Response
Read the Primary Source Documents Andrew Jackson and The Cherokee Response that are posted in this Module to answer the following question ( be sure to use college level writing):
1) In Andrew Jackson’s Second Annual Message, he outlines numerous reasons why the “removal of the Indians beyond the white settlements” will be advantageous for Native American tribes. Select three different examples in Jackson’s speech and explain why each of these examples was not true /was inaccurate.
2) Using specific examples from the primary source document, discuss 2 reasons the Cherokee provide as to why they do not want to move to the far west.
3) Explain how Andrew Jackson responded to the Supreme Court ruling on Worcester vs. Georgia and why he responded this way?
4) Post a thoughtful response to one of your classmates posts.
Hello everyone!
1) Select three different examples in Jackson’s speech and explain why each of these examples was not true /was inaccurate.
Here are the examples from Andrew Jackson’s