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Interpreting a Scene
This week, you’ll be working in groups. (Find your partners AND your scene section by looking in Groups under People).
The idea of the assignment in which you record a scene from A Doll’s House with your group is that you will not only take ALL the parts in your assigned scene, you’ll also submit a written explanation of your decisions related to Set Design, Tone, Blocking, Characterization, Overt or Covert Conflict, etc.
On Zoom or Skype or any other free platform where you can film your own screen, read and record your group’s performance. Please have your cameras on for this assignment & recording. If you absolutely do not want to appear on camera, please choose a photograph of someone from the web that you think represents your character well. If you do this, you must submit a written explanation of why the portrait accurately represents your concept of your character, including providing quotations that support your claims.
Record yourselves reading the scene in gallery view or other appropriate set up..
Together, as a group, compose a 400 word explanation of whywithin the context of the play, the way in which you portrayed the characters as you read, what you learned about your process and what you learned of Hudes’ play.
DUE date: Monday of Week TEN at 11:59 p.m. Keep your questions coming.
Record your scene reading having taken into consideration characterization, conflict, tone, etc. Use Gallery View when recording.
Upload the video to our Discussion Board.
As a group, write an accompanying explanation of why you
- interpreted the scene as you did, and how it relates to the rest of your conception of the play.
- explain your decisions related to Set Design, Tone, Blocking, Characterization, Overt or Covert Conflict, etc.
- made the performance choices that you made
- what you learned as a collaborative partnership in the process about the play
(At least 400 words for this, but can go way beyond if you choose. Review the rubric to see grading criteria. This assignment is worth 40 points.)
Responses to peers: (due by Thursday of Week TEN – May 5th)
Respond to the work of at least two groups.
Individually, you do not need to respond to the same groups that your partners choose!
Tell the groups what has worked well in their reading/performance. How it has enhanced your understanding of the characters, or the scene’s importance to the play, or another aspect of what has been achieved.
The role that I played in our task was the character Mrs. Linde. Throughout the readings and the portrayal of her role, I found that she is the dearest friend