Navigation » List of Schools, Subjects, and Courses » Music 111 – Music Appreciation 1 » Discussion » Discussion 2: Repetition in Music » Discussion 2: Repetition in Music Sample Answers

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Why we love repetition in music – Elizabeth Hellmuth Margulis (Links to an external site.)
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Respond to the following questions:
How do you react to music with a lot of repetition? Do you find it appealing or annoying? Why?
Discussion Requirements:
- Write 1-2 paragraphs to address the topic above.
- Respond to two classmates’ postings with a substantial reply. (Replies due 5/1.)
With music that has lots of repetition, I find it somehow interesting because there is an appeal to repetitive notes. Especially if the music is an advertisement, the repetition creates a way for someone conscious of the brand or message that the