Navigation » List of Schools, Subjects, and Courses » English 102 – College Reading and Composition 2 » Discussion » Threaded Discussion: Week Four (My Antonia) » Threaded Discussion: Week Four (My Antonia) Sample Answers

Share with the class an event or character or description from Book 3, 4, or 5 that struck you as particularly meaningful or perhaps raised questions for you.
Please identify the event or character and explain your reaction.
(Your initial posting is due Weds. by 11:59 pm–this is a “soft deadline.” Your responses to two classmates are due on Sunday by 11:59 pm.)
If need be, please see the Expectation for Threaded Discussion in our Canvas module so that you will receive full credit.
The event that struck me the most is from Book 4 Chapter III. This is when Jim