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Same assignment for everyone this week.
To learn about, compare, and contrast two modern-day differing viewpoints on jazz and the artistic direction it should move in: historicism (Wynton Marsalis) vs. futurism (Herbie Hancock).
Then, to identify your own opinion relating to historicism vs. futurism, and how that could apply to other artistic and cultural practices.
- Read the interview linked here: Walser Ch 54 – Soul, Craft, and Cultural Hierarchy.pdf
(30-45 minutes)
- Make an initial discussion post consisting of three paragraphs min 200 words for full credit by Friday May 6th 11:59pm.
- a) In the first paragraph, summarize Wynton Marsalis’ viewpoint founded in historicism.
- b) In the second paragraph, summarize Herbie Hancock’s viewpoint founded in futurism.
- c) In the third paragraph, write your opinion. Who do you identify with more and why, or do you equally see both points of view? If you agree with one opinion more strongly, what do you disagree with in the contrasting viewpoint? Does your opinion translate to other art and cultural mediums and how or how not?
- Reply to two of your peers:
- Reply to a minimum of one peer agreeing with their opinion and offering three additional reasons that support their reasoning.
- Reply to a minimum of one peer respectfully disagreeing with their opinionated offering at least three additional reasons that support your reasoning.
Reply by Sunday May 8th 11:59pm.
- Briefly quote both Wynton Marsalis and Herbie Hancock in your summaries of historicism and futurism.
- Write in complete sentences, utilize punctuation, and paragraph structure.
- Fulfill the word count requirements.
- Clearly outline your opinion in detail.
- Apply your opinion to other art forms or cultural paradigms.
- Detail why you disagree with at least one peer offering a minimum of three reasons (can be direct quotes from the interview) that support your opinion.
Contact me via Canvas Messenger or email at
Remember, make your initial post by Friday May 6th 11:59pm and reply to two of your peers by Sunday May 8th 11:59pm.
Hi Carine,
Thanks for sharing your opinion. I must say that