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Post your main response and responses to two classmates’ posts, collectively amounting to 400 words minimum (at least 150 for your main post and at least 125 for each reply to classmates) due by Monday, 5/9 — Be sure that your main response answers the prompt thoroughly and that your responses to classmates directly address the ideas discussed in their posts in depth. Please, put as much effort into your replies to classmates as you do your response to the prompt. Your replies are what make this a discussion. Thank you.
Both At the Hawk’s Well and Krapp’s Last Tape are about a character symbolically confronted by his younger self, yet neither the old man nor Krapp can change his fate. Both are left with feelings of regret and loss that cannot be explained or communicated to their younger selves. How are the old man and Krapp’s situations similar? What are these plays saying about human nature, about the nature of youth and experience? Explain your interpretation.
Both plays talk about lack of contentment. In Krapp’s Last Tape, the old man