Navigation » List of Schools, Subjects, and Courses » Anthropology 111 – Lab Human Biological Evolution » Discussion » Midterm Study Peer to Peer Extra Credit Discussion » Midterm Study Peer to Peer Extra Credit Discussion Sample Answers

Initial Post Due Date: Thursday 11:59 pm | Reply Post Due Date: Sunday 11:59 pm
This peer-peer extra credit discussion is designed to give you an opportunity to work with one another without my input. It is a great way to get to know each other by building a good connection that we can use going forward to work through labs and study for exams.
This discussion is meant to give an opportunity to post questions you may have about a class topic before the midterm/final exams.
The purpose for this extra credit is to give you all an opportunity to work with one another, I will not be participating in this discussion.
Posting Directions
You will receive 15 points extra credit for either posting a question or responding to a question posed. Make sure the question is about something that we have to go over and could be a question on the exam. You can use individual questions from the labs or discussions.
Hello, everyone!
Is anyone having a hard time