Navigation » List of Schools, Subjects, and Courses » RNRS 396 – Professional Practice: Ethics, Issues, and Spirituality in Health Care » Discussion » Week 1 Discussion Forum: Ethics, Issues & Spirituality » Week 1 Discussion Forum: Ethics, Issues & Spirituality Sample Answers

Review the instructions below for the Discussion Forums, selecting the instructions related to your course section, that is, either synchronous {online} or hybrid {online with a weekly synchronous Zoom meeting}.**
Instructions for Asynchronous {Online} Sections:
- Choose one of the questions provided below to answer for your Discussion Forum posting. Be sure and restate the question before you provide a response.
- Post your responses to the discussion forum.
- Post one initial post by 11:59 PM (PST) Wednesday
- Each discussion question initial response (the response to the question posed by the instructor) should meet the following criteria:
- Be between 350-450 words (unless otherwise directed in the discussion question).
- Include two references, utilizing at least one outside source and at least one class resource (textbook, class articles, etc).
- The posting should be written using scholarly style, a professional tone, and free of typos and grammatical errors. Refer to the APA Manual (7th ed.), Purdue OWL (Links to an external site.), and/or the Writing Center resources for guidance on how to write using a scholarly and professional style.
- Utilize APA format for all references and in-text citations.
- Respond to the postings of at least two other students by the following Sunday at 11:59 PM (PST).
- Responses to peers should provide the depth of information, utilize examples, apply course principles, and further the discussion.
- Responses are more than a simple “I agree”, and can present support of the other students’ work or provide alternate ways to consider the issue.
- You are invited to respond to the people who post on your original posting, however, this is NOT counted as any of your required responses to other student postings.
- This is a 15 point assignment. Review the rubric on the Ethics, Issues & Spirituality Discussion Forum to ensure you are meeting assignment expectations. The rubric can be viewed by clicking on the 3 vertical dots on the top right part of this page.
Instructions for Hybrid Section {Online with a Weekly Synchronous Meeting}:
- Review ALL of the discussion questions, including having completed all weekly readings, PowerPoints, etc.
- Come preparedto your weekly synchronous meeting ready to thoroughly engage in a discussion on the content of all three questions.
- During class time one activity will include your instructor randomly assigning you to breakout groups to discuss a specific DF question and then report back to the group about your discussions.
- This is a 15 point assignment. Your grade is based upon your preparation and active participation in the Zoom synchronous class discussion, including the activities in the breakout rooms.
** Participation in Discussion Forums (DF) are mandatory, whether scheduled hybrid {asynchronously} or Online {synchronously} in your course section. These activities are considered “weekly participation” in the class and meet the criteria described in the APU attendance policies for weekly “attendance” in a class. Failure to complete a DF (with an original post for fully online sections, or being unprepared and/or not attending a scheduled synchronous weekly meeting) is considered an absence from the class in that week. Late submissions on DF posts are not accepted after the weekly due date, as “participation and attendance” can not be made-up after the weekly module/activities are completed.
Discussion Question #1: Nursing Ethics
After completing the assigned reading in Burkhardt & Nathaniel (2020) respond to the following scenario:
Two nursing students were discovered to have cheated on several assignments. After being questioned by the instructor, both students deny having cheated, even though the evidence is irrefutable.
- Discuss these students and this academic integrity issue in terms of one of the ethical theories and approaches.
- Do these students have integrity? Explain.
- Do these students have the character to become good nurses? Explain.
- What, if any, guidance is provided in the 9 Provisions of the Code of Ethics for Nurses 2016.pdf Download 9 Provisions of the Code of Ethics for Nurses 2016.pdf?
- What worldview or values perspective would be guiding YOUR personal response if you were a student in the class aware of the cheating? What would you do?
Discussion Question # 2: Ethical Principles
Review the case presentation on page 51 Burkhardt & Nathaniel (2020). Answer the (revised) “Think About It” questions listed below:
- What ethical principles are involved?
- Does the nurse’s obligation to report the incident of child abuse supersede the obligation to maintain confidentiality–particularly concerning that the patient requested confidentiality? Explain. What if Lora were 14 years old?
- What are the options for the nurse? Provide support of these options from Code of Ethics, legal stance, etc.
- What are the possible outcomes of the different options?
- Does Lora’s autonomy outweigh the nurse’s responsibility to report the abusive situation?
- What worldview or values perspective would be guiding YOUR personal response if you were the nurse in this scenario?
Discussion Question # 3: Bioethics
After completing the assigned reading in Burkhardt & Nathaniel (2020) respond to the following scenario:
Andre is a young nurse who just began a new job in an emergency department (ED). Mrs. James arrived at the ED complaining of left leg pain and is assigned to Andre. Mrs. James is known to the ED physicians and other nurses because of her frequent visits for back pain. Mrs. James is assessed by Andre and is then briefly seen by the ED physician. The physician walks out of Mrs. James’s room, and tells Andre to give the patient a saline IV push as a placebo.
- What philosophical perspective might the physician be using as a basis for his placebo order? Explain the perspective.
- What should Andre do?
- What is the ethical basis of your recommendation to Andre in this case?
- What, if any, guidance is provided in the 9 Provisions of the Code of Ethics for Nurses 2016.pdfDownload 9 Provisions of the Code of Ethics for Nurses 2016.pdf?
- What worldview or values perspective would be guiding YOUR personal response if you were the nurse in this scenario?
Discussion Question # 2: Ethical Principles
Review the case presentation on page 51 Burkhardt & Nathaniel (2020).