Navigation » List of Schools, Subjects, and Courses » Nutrition 21 – Nutrition » Discussion » Digestion of Carbohydrates, Protein, and Fats — Case Study » Digestion of Carbohydrates, Protein, and Fats — Case Study Sample Answers

Case Study:
A Practical Application of What You’ve Learned About the Macronutrients
Imagine that you attended a party and ate a slice of cheese pizza. Your friends know that you are taking a nutrition course and ask you to describe how it is digested. What would you say?
Now that you’ve read the chapters 4, 5, and 6 on carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism you understand that fat is metabolized (e.g., broken down, digested and circulates through the body) in a very different way than carbohydrate and protein. Yes?
Please watch these videos to help you to further understand digestion and bring it to life! Peer response is optional. (Learners do appreciate positive feedback and helpful hints so don’t hold back!)
You will NOT be able to see any posts until you post yours first.
Your task:
- Watch the videos.
- Explain how a slice of cheese pizza is digested. Be sure that you describe how carbohydrates, protein, and fats are digested differently. Use bullets and listicles. (Hint: You will need at least 5 bullets for each one). You may use the language from your book and/or the videos but be sure to provide references at the end. Be clear concise, complete, and to the point.
NOTE: You will NOT be able to see your any of your peers’ posts until you have posted.
Peer response is optional. NOT required. (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
From my readings and research on the digestion of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, it came to my understanding that