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Board Topic:
Discuss with your classmates one of the two scenarios described below.
(1) Read below Pamela’s experiences.
“I need to have a tooth filled. The dentist is not my usual one, but a substitute. In a few days I realize that he also inserted a computer microchip computer in my tooth. I do not know why.
The drugstore across from my apartment has computers programmed by the Five People. They have tapped into my television and use a special radar to track all of my activities.
When I go out, special agents keep me under constant surveillance. I see a man light a cigarette near the drugstore and I know that he just signaled another agent down the street to warn him that I am approaching.
Everything that I do, both inside and outside the apartment, is observed and commented upon.”
- Write down the symptoms that you believe Pamela demonstrates.
- Pamela shows symptoms of a psychological disorder. Can you figure out the symptoms and the disorder?
(2) CLICK HERE TO WACTH THIS VIDEO: (Links to an external site.)
Title: J D Schramm: Break the Silence for Suicide Survivors.(Time: 4 minutes)
Description: “Even when our lives appear fine from the outside, locked within can be a world of quiet suffering, leading some to the decision to end their life. At TEDYou, JD Schramm asks us to break the silence surrounding suicide and suicide attempts, and to create much-needed resources to help people who reclaim their life after escaping death. Resources:”
- Write down your thoughts on JD’s experience.
- Discuss some of the myths about suicide.
General Discussion Board Guidelines
- Every week I expect you to either ask or answer one question. This will count towards your Attendance Grade.
- The “Week 1 &2 – Course Conversation” Discussion Board will be the only one open for two weeks. After this date each discussion board will be opened for only a week. Once the deadline has passed it will be closed and you could no longer earn the point for that week.
- For more details please read the syllabus.
Extra credit: Attendance ( Discussion Board Participation)
- Participate in weekly Discussion Boards
- I expect you to participate each week in the Conversation, by either asking a questions or responding to your classmates.
- Chances are that if you post a question here, a classmate may have a similar question and he or she will benefit from your post.
- If you know the answer to your classmate’s post/question I encourage you to respond. I will check the boards regularly and will try to respond within 48 hours if there are any unanswered topics.
- If you participate you get a point that week. Grading policy is stated below.
- NOTE that i f you don’t participate on the Week 1&2 – Conversation you will be counted as absent and will risk being removed from the class. If you can’t participate the first week, please email me.
- Grading of Discussion Boards: How are points awarded?
- Total 12 Conversations and if you participate in:
- 11-12 you get 3 points added to your final grade
- 9 -10 you get 2 points added to your final grade
- 7- 8 you get 1 point added to your final grade
- 6 or below you get 0 points added to your final grade
A few reminders before you use this Board:
- Be kind and respectful to each other. Remember we are all using this board to learn and to do the best we can in this class.
- Don’t be afraid to ask! If you have a question, chances are some of your classmates have the same question and you will be helping them in the process.
- Feel free to respond each other’s questions. I will monitor your answers and I will only intervene if something needs clarification. Sometimes, your answers could be more helpful than mine!
- Write in an appropriate manner for the board.
- Be supportive of your classmates!
Click on the link provided if you need help on how to use Discussion Boards on Canvas.
Pamela demonstrates unreasonable suspicions about the actions