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Part 1 due Wednesday, May 18, by 11:59 pm (10 points)
Part 2 due Thursday, May 19, by 11:59 pm (5 points for each of two responses)
Although we, as an online class, are not doing the usual class discussions, it is important to know how to communicate with each other effectively – especially in our discussion forums. That said, after you have read chapter 12: “I Take Your Point”: Entering Class Discussions, do the following:
Part 1: Post
In a sentence, and using a template to frame your comments, respond to a point or observation that was made in the media that caught your interest. Try to avoid politics or heavy news. Let’s keep this light.
Here’s an example: I was surprised to discover that instant coffee can be more detrimental to one’s health because of the reduced caffeine, which can make avid sippers drink more of it just to get their daily “buzz.”
You can alter the template, as I’ve done here. You can write about food, exercise, style, or whatever gets your attention.
Part 2: Respond
As you have done in the past with our discussion forums, respond to two of your fellow students’ posts. In this case, respond by adding some information on the topic that you might have to share, or, you can change the subject. You don’t have to necessarily use a template here, but you do want to keep the thread of thought on track. The key in both of your responses is to make clear the connection to what was already posted, whether you have something to add or alter.
Here’s are some example responses to the above:
- On a similar note, powdered milk is believed to have a minimal amount of vitamin D in contrast to regular whole milk.
- To my understanding, drinking coffee at all is not good for the skeletal system.
- The real problem with instant coffee isn’t the caffeine; it’s the taste – a lack of it.
I was surprised to hear that