Navigation » List of Schools, Subjects, and Courses » Psychology 101 – General Psychology » Discussion » Week 14: Methods of therapies » Week 14: Methods of therapies Sample Answers
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Board Topic:
(1)Discuss and Identify with your classmates the type of therapy most likely used in the scenarios described below.
(2) Provide your own examples
- Biological Therapy
- Psychoanalysis
- Psychodynamics therapy
- Humanistic therapy
- Behavior therapy
- Cognitive therapy
- A patient is asked to talk about their childhood. The therapist is trying to bring repressed feelings into the conscious awareness.
- Jane’s mom is prescribed to go to therapy every week for 1/2 hour for two months with to treat her anxiety. She is most likely going to a _______.
- Jose’s therapist lets him explain his problems without interrupting. After a few session Jose was able to begin to understand the source of his anxiety. Jose’s therapist is most likely using a _________ approach.
- Your cousin Gigi tells you that she was prescribed some antidepressants. She is most likely attending a ______.
General Discussion Board Guidelines
- Every week I expect you to either ask or answer one question. This will count towards your Attendance Grade.
- The “Week 1 &2 – Course Conversation” Discussion Board will be the only one open for two weeks. After this date each discussion board will be opened for only a week. Once the deadline has passed it will be closed and you could no longer earn the point for that week.
- For more details please read the syllabus.
Extra credit: Attendance ( Discussion Board Participation)
- Participate in weekly Discussion Boards
- I expect you to participate each week in the Conversation, by either asking a questions or responding to your classmates.
- Chances are that if you post a question here, a classmate may have a similar question and he or she will benefit from your post.
- If you know the answer to your classmate’s post/question I encourage you to respond. I will check the boards regularly and will try to respond within 48 hours if there are any unanswered topics.
- If you participate you get a point that week. Grading policy is stated below.
- NOTE that i f you don’t participate on the Week 1&2 – Conversation you will be counted as absent and will risk being removed from the class. If you can’t participate the first week, please email me.
- Grading of Discussion Boards: How are points awarded?
- Total 12 Conversations and if you participate in:
- 11-12 you get 3 points added to your final grade
- 9 -10 you get 2 points added to your final grade
- 7- 8 you get 1 point added to your final grade
- 6 or below you get 0 points added to your final grade
A few reminders before you use this Board:
- Be kind and respectful to each other. Remember we are all using this board to learn and to do the best we can in this class.
- Don’t be afraid to ask! If you have a question, chances are some of your classmates have the same question and you will be helping them in the process.
- Feel free to respond each other’s questions. I will monitor your answers and I will only intervene if something needs clarification. Sometimes, your answers could be more helpful than mine!
- Write in an appropriate manner for the board.
- Be supportive of your classmates!
Click on the link provided if you need help on how to use Discussion Boards on Canvas.
Biological Therapy- The doctor prescribed a benzodiazepine to a
This question is taken from Psychology 101 – General Psychology » Spring 2022 » Discussion