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Learning How to Study for an Exam
To address the diverse STEM disciplines we have in this class , let’s try to watch some researched-based videos about How to Study or Prepare for an Exam. I want you to learn some transferable skills that can apply to your other classes or future career in addition to learning chemistry.
Initial Post
- Watch How to Study for an Exam in Any Subject (4:27)
- Review your weekly schedule again
- As we are going to have our 2nd exam on soon, update your schedule for the next 3 weeks to include a concrete action plan to prepare for your second exam.
- Instead of saying “Chem 102”, “Study Chem 102”, “ALEKS” in your weekly schedule, I would like you to be very specific about what you will be doing for the next 3 weeks. For example, specify “ALEKS Ch 17d objective (x topics)“, “Review Chem 102 – specify the topic(s)“, “Request ALEKS Knowledge Check“, “Schedule a virtual study group“. Again, try to spread these activities across the week so that they are not all concentrated on already busy days.
- Especially the day(s) and time(s) that you will be doing ALEKS, Lab Assignments, and Discussion.
Respond to this discussion prompt by Tuesday 11:59 pm. Select the Reply box and write a paragraph for each of the following questions:
- You will report on something good that happened to you, or an accomplishment of yours from the last 5-7 days. It doesn’t have to be chemistry or science or even school-related. Please keep it appropriate!
- In the video, the best way to study for an exam is to study for _____________.
- In the video, how can we minimize the possibility of an anxiety reaction?
- In the video, what are some ways that you can mimic your testing environment?
- In the video, what are some ways to see if you truly master a topic?
- In the video, would you relate some of the study tips that we have covered this semester?
- Would you relate the similarity of ALEKS structure with the study tips covered in the video?
- How did your implementation of spacing-out practice and leverage context go?
- What successes and challenges did you experience?
- How will you refine the practice to continually improve it?
- Regarding your previous weekly schedule,
- Were you able to follow the schedule you created previously? What works well and what does not work well?
- If you could not follow the schedule, would you identify the reasons why you were not able to stick with the schedule? Was there any unexpected event that disturb your schedule?
- Refine and revise your weekly schedule.
- Upload your revised weekly schedule again (1-week).
By Friday night at 11:59 pm, please reply to at least two of our classmates’ posts with ideas or suggestions as feedback by doing one of the following:
- Provide specific feedback about your classmates’ plans to implement the techniques in this discussion.
- Ask a probing or clarifying question in response to one (or more) of your colleagues’ posts, or
- Describe a different technique that you have used.
- You will report on something good that happened to you, or an accomplishment of yours from the last 5-7 days. It doesn’t have to be chemistry or science or even school-related. Please keep it appropriate! – Got to spend more time with my family