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Here are 38 questions from Chapter 1. Before proceeding, make sure to read the Announcement called Tips for Discussions.
Select any one question to answer correctly BEFORE a classmate has already answered that one. Use this format:
Question #:
Question Text:
Textbook Page(s):
PowerPoint Slide(s):
Narrated Chapter Review Video Timestamps:
Indicate where you found the information in our textbook (with page number), PowerPoint slide numbers, and narrated chapter review video (with the start and end timestamps). If it’s not covered in these references, say so. Don’t use any other sources.
Make sure you’ve written the correct question number and question text into your reply (or lose points).
Up to 5 points to be the first to answer correctly and completely.
0 points for answering a question that’s already been selected.
0 points if copied & pasted from the web.
Once you’ve posted, double-check to make sure that:
a. Nobody beat you to that question
b. You wrote the question number and actual question text
c. Your answer is complete and correct
d. You referenced where you found the information in the text, PowerPoint AND narrated PowerPoint video review (pages, slide numbers, timestamps included).
e. Make sure to take a look before the deadline to read comments from other students. You can always edit your original post to incorporate the suggestions before the first deadline.
Then, comment on at least one classmate’s initial answer using the following format (5 points possible):
- Is the answer correct and complete?
b. HOW could the answer be corrected, improved or elaborated (add some new details)?
c. Are the references correct and complete?
Note: Just complementing the student will earn zero points. If the original poster’s answer is incorrect or seriously incomplete and you don’t catch the error(s), you won’t get points for your reply.
Total of 10 points possible.
- Define Lithosphere.
- Define Biosphere
- To the nearest 1,000 miles what is the Earth’s Diameter
- What is Equatorial Bulge and what is it caused by?
- What is the Earth’s shape?
- What is Earth’s Axial Tilt as measured from the Perpendicular?
- What’s the average distance between the Earth and the Sun?
- What’s an Earth revolution and how long does it take?
- What’s an Earth rotation and how long does it take?
- Which direction does the Earth always spin?
- Why do we have seasons?
- What is Perihelion and when does it occur?
- What is Aphelion and when does it occur?
- What are Solstices and when do they occur?
- What is an Equinox and when do we get them?
- Where is the Subsolar Point (direct ray) on June 21
- Where is the Subsolar Point (direct ray) on March 21
- On what date is the sun directly overhead at Los Angeles?
- How many times would the sun be directly overhead in a year at 13°N?
- Where would you get more daylight hours between September 22 and March 20?
- Define Latitude
- Which way do latitude lines run and what do they measure?
- What are the key lines of latitude and where are they located?
- What are the basic units of latitude measure and how are they divided up?
- What are the minimum and maximum measures of latitude?
- What is the Latitude for Los Angeles, CA?
- How many miles do you travel if you move 2 degrees south from the North Pole?
- How many miles do you travel if you move 2 degrees north from the Equator?
- Define Longitude
- Which way do longitude lines run and what do they measure?
- What are the minimum and maximum measures for longitude?
- Where are meridians furthest apart from each other (in actual distance)?
- What is the longitude for Los Angeles, CA?
- How many miles do you travel if you move 2 degrees east at the North Pole?
- How many miles do you travel if you move 2 degrees east along the Equator?
- How far apart are Principal Meridians?
- How many degrees of longitude separate each 1-hour time zone?
- What is the time difference between London, England and Los Angeles and how do you calculate this?
Question #:6
Question Text: What is Earth’s Axial Tilt as measured from the Perpendicular?