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Here are some familiar questions from Chapter 3. We’re doing a slightly different take on Discussion 4 this week, so please take note. You can only be in one group (not both).
GROUP A: If you’re one of the first to post an answer to one of the 18 question; 10 Points possible
Be the first to select a question and post the correct & thorough answer (5 points). Copy the exact question number and the text of the question at the start of your reply and post your correct answer BEFORE a classmate has already answered that one using information from the textbook, PowerPoints and supplemental videos. Zero points if copied & pasted from the web.
At the bottom of your post, indicate where this information is covered in a narrated PowerPoint presentation, regular (not narrated) PowerPoint, and the pages of the textbook using the format we established in the prior Discussions.
As usual, zero points in this whole section for answering a question that has already been answered by another student. Once you’ve posted, check again to make sure.
Once you’ve posted, double-check to make sure that:
a. Nobody beat you to that question
b. You wrote the question number and actual question text
c. Your answer is complete and correct
d. You referenced where you found the information in the text, PowerPoint AND narrated PowerPoint video review (pages, slide numbers, timestamps included).
e. You incorporated comments from fellow students to make your answer better.
Respond to a Fellow Student: 5 Points
After completing your own post, comment on ONE classmate’s initial answer by indicating if their response is correct, how it could be improved or elaborated upon, and whether their references were correct/complete.
GROUP B: Those who were NOT able to post an initial answer to the questions before another student;
10 Points possible. You can only be in this group if all 18 questions have been taken and answered already, otherwise = 0 points.
In this case, you need to comment on THREE classmate’s initial answers by indicating WHY their response is correct, and WHY/HOW it could be improved or made more complete.
1st comment = up to 4 points, 2nd comment = up to 3 points, 3rd comment = up to 3 points
For all replies, remember to indicate WHY their response is correct, HOW it should be modified, or WHAT additional information would make the answer even better. Just complementing the student will earn zero points. Note: If the original poster’s answer is incorrect or seriously incomplete and you don’t catch the error(s), you won’t get points for your replies.
The Questions
- 1. What’s the difference between temperature and heat?
- What is 40 degrees Celsius when measured in Fahrenheit. What formula will calculate this?
- What is insolation and how long does it take to reach the earth from the sun?
- What are the different colors of visible light from long to short wavelength?
- Which portion of the electromagnetic spectrum does the sun emit most? Which portion does the Earth emit most?
- What is absorption and where on Earth is most insolation absorbed?
- What is reflection and where on Earth is most insolation reflected?
- What is scattering and what makes this occur on Earth? What atmospheric phenomenon does this help explain?
- Which latitudes on Earth’s surface receive a surplus of energy? Which places receive a deficit of energy?
- What is re-radiation and how is energy transferred on Earth by this energy transfer mechanism?
- What is convection and how is energy transferred on Earth by this energy transfer mechanism?
- What is conduction and how is energy transferred on Earth by this energy transfer mechanism?
- What is latent heat transfer and how does this move energy on Earth?
- What is ATR and how is it different in coastal vs. inland locations? What causes this difference?
- When will most places usually get their minimum temperatures each day?
- When will most places usually get their hottest month each year?
- What is DTR and how is it different in coastal vs. inland locations? What causes this difference?
- What are abiabatic cooling and adiabatic warming?
Hi everyone,
I chose question 3 and decided to work