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Hi Class;
Below you’ll find 32 questions from Chapter 4. Select one question to answer correctly BEFORE a classmate has already answered that one. 5 points to be the first to answer correctly using and citing information from the textbook, PowerPoints and supplemental videos using our regular format. Zero points if copied & pasted from the web.
Then, comment on at least one classmate’s initial answer by indicating WHY their response is correct, or why/how it should be modified, and whether their references are correct (another 5 points).
Total of 10 points possible.
- What is average atmospheric pressure at sea level in millibars?
- What is average atmospheric pressure at sea level in inches of mercury?
- What are High Atmospheric Pressure and Low Atmospheric Pressure?
- What is an Anticyclone and what type of weather is it associated with?
- What is a cyclone and what type of weather is it associated with?
- What is the Pressure Gradient Force?
- What are isobars and what does it mean if they are located close together?
- What is the Coriolis Effect and what does it do to moving air?
- Under which conditions and locations is the Coriolis effect strongest?
- How is the Coriolis effect different in the northern and southern hemispheres?
- What are Friction Layer Winds and where are they located?
- What are Geostrophic Winds and where are they located?
- What is the ITCZ, where s it located, and what are the typical weather conditions there?
- What are the Trade Winds, where are they found, and what are the typical weather conditions there?
- What are the Sub Tropical High Pressure Zones, where are they found, and what are the typical weather conditions there?
- What are the Prevailing Westerlies, where are they found, and what are the typical weather conditions there?
- What are the Sub Polar Low Pressure Zones, where are they found, and what are the typical weather conditions there?
- What are the Polar Easterlies, where are they found, and what are the typical weather conditions there?
- What are the Polar High Pressure Zones, where are they found, and what are the typical weather conditions there?
- What is the Hadley Cell?
- What are the Summer Monsoons, where do they blow from/to, when do they blow & why are they significant?
- What are the Winter Monsoons, where do they blow from/to, when do they blow & why are they significant?
- What are Sea Breezes, where do they blow from/to, when do they blow & why are they significant?
- What are Land Breezes, where do they blow from/to, when do they blow & why are they significant?
- What are Santa Ana Winds, how do they form, where do they blow from/to, when do they blow & why are they significant?
- What 3 specific conditions would make Santa Ana Winds more likely to spread wildfires?
- What are Mountain Breezes, where do they blow from/to, when do they blow & why are they significant?
- What are Valley Breezes, where do they blow from/to, when do they blow & why are they significant?
- How is atmospheric pressure actually measured?
- What are atmospheric conditions usually like at the North Pole? Why is this?
- How/where does the ITCZ move throughout the year and why does it move?
- Why is our model of Global Wind & Pressure Zones more accurate along coastlines and less so over continents?
If you run out of questions email me right away – I have more questions along with a message about not waiting till the last minute. 🙂
11- What are Friction Layer Winds, and where are they located?
– As we learned, we have two groups of winds: A)- Geostrophic winds B)- Friction Layer winds