Navigation » List of Schools, Subjects, and Courses » Geography 101 – Physical Geography » Discussion » Discussion 7 on Chapter 6 » Discussion 7 on Chapter 6 Sample Answers
We are showing you only the excerpt of our answer. If you need help with the complete answer email us at 

Hi Class;
Below you’ll find 37 questions from Chapter 6.
- Read through the questions and then select one question to post an answer correctly BEFORE a classmate has already done so, using our established format. 5 points to be the first to answer correctly referencing where this information is covered in the PowerPoint presentation, narrated chapter review (with time stamp) and textbook pages. Zero points if copied & pasted from the web.
- Make sure to copy the question number and the actual question into your reply, otherwise you will lose points.
- Once you’ve posted, check again to make sure someone hasn’t already answered your question. You will get ZERO points for your post if someone already answered that one.
- Then, comment on at least one classmate’s initial answer by indicating why their response is correct, or why/how it should be modified and whether the references are correct (another 5 points).
- Total of 10 points possible.
- What is an Air Mass?
- What is an Air Mass Source Region?
- What are mP Air masses and where do they form?
- What are cP Air masses and where do they form?
- What are mT Air masses and where do they form?
- What are cT Air masses and where do they form?
- Which of the 4 major air mass types are the most opposite of each other in terms of temperature and moisture?
- What is a Rossby Waves and when do they become extreme?
- What is a Mid-Latitude (Extra-Tropical) Wave Cyclone?
- What are Cold Fronts and how are they are shown on a weather map?
- What are Warm Fronts and how are they are shown on a weather map?
- What are Occluded Fronts and how are they are shown on a weather map?
- As an occluded front forms, what happened to all the air in the warm sector?
- Which moves fastest, a warm front or cold front? Why is this important?
- Which would get more cumulonimbus clouds, cold fronts or warm fronts? Why is this?
- What makes our winter storms begin and what makes them end?
- What are tornadoes and when do they form in the Northern Hemisphere?
- Where do most tornadoes form in the USA? Why is this?
- What are hurricanes and when do they form in the Northern Hemisphere?
- Where do hurricanes/typhoons/tropical cyclones form? Why is this?
- Why are there no hurricanes at the equator?
- What are thunderstorms and when do they form?
- What are the 4 stages of hurricane development and the wind speeds for each?
- Where do we get most thunderstorms & where do we get NO thunderstorms on earth?
- Which place on the planet get the most lightning strikes?
- How can we tell how far a lightning strike was when we hear its thunder?
- What’s the difference between a Water Spout, a Funnel Cloud and a Tornado?
- What’s the difference between a Tropical Storm and Hurricane?
- What are the 3 stages of thunderstorm development?
- What is ENSO and in particular, what is the Southern Oscillation?
- What is ENSO and in particular, what is El Niňo?
- How would a strong El Niňo likely affect Southern California winter rainfall?
- How would a strong La Niňa likely affect Southern California winter rainfall?
- What was your favorite video in this chapter and why so?
- What are the major differences between mid-latitude extra tropical wave cyclones and tornadoes?
- What are the major differences between mid-latitude extra tropical wave cyclones and hurricanes?
- How would a strong La Niňa likely affect Indonesia and Australia?
- Where do we get most thunderstorms & where do we get NO thunderstorms on earth?
The place having the greatest
This question is taken from Geography 101 – Physical Geography » Spring 2022 » Discussion