Navigation » List of Schools, Subjects, and Courses » Art 102 – Survey of Art History 2 » Discussion » Final Check-In » Final Check-In Sample Answers

Post due by Friday at 11:59 pm
Well, here we are … at the end of our semester. I hope that you had an enjoyable time learning about the history of European art. In this activity take a moment to think about your overall journey throughout the course; remember back to the first week and think about how your ideas and perceptions have changed as you gained knowledge throughout the course.
Please, take this opportunity to reflect on your experiences in this class:
- Which topics or activities from our units have been most relevant or meaningful to you?
- What was the most difficult part(s)? Which part(s) of your learning did you feel good about?
- Were the expectations you set for this course met? Do you feel you have mastered the material?
- How has your perception or understanding of European Art History changed?
- What objectives have you set for yourself to continue to grow as a learner of art history?
Share your reflection in the discussion forum by creating a reply below
Please feel free to respond to your classmates.
I would also ask you to, please, fill out this anonymous Exit Survey that I created: (Links to an external site.)
I greatly enjoyed this course. Aside from my exposure to the various magnificent works of art, I also learned a lot