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Scientific Method Lab Quiz
1. In the laboratory, you see a fuzzy growth on some of the gels in your incubator. What is the name given to this step of the scientific method?
2. Which statement about visual displays of data is false?
The independent variable is generally represented on the x-axis of a bar or line graph.
Pie charts use “slices” to represent data.
The dependent variable is generally represented on the y-axis of a bar or line graph.
Bar graphs, line graphs, and pie charts can be used interchangeably to represent any set of data.
All visual displays of data condense large amounts of information into a more easily digested form.
3. “Suppose you do an experiment to test the hypothesis, “As height increases, weight increases.” How would you label the axes for this graph?
You would put the height on the x-axis and weight on the y-axis.
You would put the weight on the x-axis and height on the y-axis.
It does not matter which variable is on the x or y-axis.
There is not enough information to answer this question.
This data cannot be graphed.
4. Which of the following best defines the term median?
The middle number of a set.
The most frequently occurring number in a set.
The difference between the largest and smallest value in a set.
The average of a set of numbers.
The smallest value in the set of data.
5. The median is the average of a set of numbers.
Scientific Method Lab Quiz
1. In the laboratory, you see a fuzzy growth on some of the gels in your incubator. What is the name given to this step of the scientific method?
Answer: observation