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Discussion Question 5
Choose an article on the anthropology website, Sapiens. Your article should provide recent news or interpretation about a biological anthropology topic. You can choose any topic that is addressed in our textbook. Tip: click on the word “biology” under the blog title “Sapiens.”
For your submission, please provide a summary of what you learned. What new insights or updated information do you now have about biological anthropology after reading this article? How does this supplement or change what you learned on the topic in the course?
Please give us the article title, author, and link.
Discussion Question 5 Answer
I chose the article titled “How Apes Reveal Human History” by Mary Shirley Mitchell. The article talks about how great apes make it possible for us to see our human history. The article also talks about how they are endangered today as a result of human activities.
I relate to the author when she said that she felt a sense of kinship when she was watching the apes at the zoo when she was still a child. As mentioned in the article, apes are our closest living relatives. We are similar to them in many ways