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1a. Choose one of the 8 theoretical perspectives on the families, and explain how you might use it to understand something about life in your own family, using at least 2 concepts (define and explain, then apply).
1b. Do you want your family life to be similar to or different from that of your parents? In what ways?
Discussion 1 Answer
1a. In the Family Development Perspective, each member of the family takes on a role or a function that is different from one stage to another. From being a couple without children to having one and another, all the way to retirement or death of one or both spouses. People learn and grow as they transition to a new stage.
1b. I want my family to be similar to the one I had in a sense that I also want my children to preserve our culture in them. Even if we live in a different country, I want them to incorporate that in their identity because it is one treasure that we cannot buy for them. I also admire the idea of praying and eating together because I genuinely think that it gives children a sense of security and belonging.