Navigation » List of Schools, Subjects, and Courses » FCS 340 – Marriage and Family Relations » Discussions » Discussion 3 » Discussion 3 Sample Answers

Discussion 3
- What is your predominant conflict resolution strategy?
- How effective has it been in resolving/managing conflict?
- Do you think your conflict strategies are situational? (Do you employ different strategies in different situations, or are they stable across situations?)
- What is one thing you would like to change or reinforce pertaining to your strategy?
- Was there any instance in your life when conflict actually brought you closer to the other person? What do you think contributed to that outcome?
Share only what you feel comfortable sharing. smile
B. Discuss at least 5 considerations that couples, or individuals make before deciding on parenthood. State if these considerations are important, and why.
C. Think about how your parents brought you up, and how you are parenting your children now, or, if you do not have children, what you observe in the parenting of children in your family by relatives. What differences do you see? Are these micro-, or macro-level variables that have led to those differences?
Discussion 3 Answer
Parenthood is no easy task. Having to raise a human being other than your own is a huge honor and a great responsibility at the same time. Which is why parents-wannabes should consider several points first before diving into this wonderful journey.