Essay On Using Bloom’s Taxonomy Matrix

Essay On Using Bloom’s Taxonomy Matrix

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    For students in the healthcare field, memorization and recall of concepts is insufficient in order to obtain key skills which are needed to become proficient in their respective fields. In addition, instructors may also find it hard to develop a curriculum that would aid in making their students obtain skills. The article describes the use of Bloom’s Taxonomy Matrix in order to achieve higher-level learning objectives. The article describes how Bloom’s taxonomy matrix works. Six classifications of revised taxonomy objectives are listed on the matrix. These are create, evaluate, analyze, apply, understand, and remember. Then, instructors can fill the rest of the matrix with activities that can be done in order to achieve the necessary objectives. The article used radiologic science as an example. Wherein, if the instructor wants students to evaluate, they can critic image errors, or judge a classmate’s selected image.

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