Essay on A Critical Synthesis on “Organizational Effectiveness as a Theoretical Foundation on Reliability-Enhancing Organizations.”

Essay on A Critical Synthesis on “Organizational Effectiveness as a Theoretical Foundation on Reliability-Enhancing Organizations.”

Critical synthesis : A written critical synthesis is 5 pages, doubled spaced (plus references) The critical synthesis should include: An introduction-A synthesis section will present: -the paper’s core theories and/or concepts, -the author’s conceptions of the organization and human, A critical section will discuss: -the relevance of the text: in what way are they pertinent to the study of public administration today?-the limits (practical and/or conceptual) of the authors ideas presented in the paper. A conclusion. This critical synthesis is an essay. The goal of this activity is to develop and structure your arguments in a clear, rigorous way. It is strongly suggested to use concrete examples relating to today’s American public agencies and local, county, state or federal government to illustrate the ideas discussed in the text. The criteria is: -Structure ,-Understanding of the material , Ability to synthesize,-Clarity, Pertinence,-Demonstration of critical thinking abilities,-Originality and style. The article to be used for this synthesis is -Creed, W. E. D., Stout, S. K., & Roberts, K. H. (1993). Organizational effectiveness as a theoretical foundation for research on reliability-enhancing organizations. New challenges to understanding organizations, 55-73. I uploaded that article. Also, i uploaded four more articles to use as a reference. You don’t have to use them all, but use at least three of them. I really like your writing that is why i always chose you for my papers.

Creed et al (1993) conducted a research on the reliability of organizational effectiveness of Berkeley Group’s recent study on high reliability organizations (HROs) as it has fully depended on qualitative observation, lack of organizational generalization and evident theoretical foundation, and absence of hypotheses.

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