Essay on Music Industry (Songwriters on Songwriting)
1)What are the three most important life lessons you learned from the book and
2)What are the three most important music business lessons you learned from
the book and why?
3)What are the three most important things you learned about songwriting/music
publishing from the book and why?
4)How does all of the above relate to/inform your career goals/life and why?
5) In Randy Poe’s book there are stories of hard work and those of good luck and
many a combination of all. Talk about the relationship of hard work to luck, what
these two things mean and how they sometimes work in tandem. Discuss a
specific story or moment in the book to make your case.
Password: ud4661ud
Randy Poe’s Stalking the Red Headed Stranger introduces the art and history of professional song in the music industry.