Essay on Exploring Gilligan’s and Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development
Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development
Gilligan’s Theory of Moral Development
I like these two videos and try your hardest to look at these, but if for some reason they are not there or broken, there are numerous others who have short definitions of both psychologists’ theories. Since I won’t be here to advise you, I assure you there are hundreds of links to these theories.
Assignment: After watching both video, answer these questions:
1. Create a brief, one paragraph explanation of each theories. (So, two paragraphs total)
2. What interested you or what did you learn new from watching these (1-2 paragraphs)
3. Have you found that as a male/female, your personal moral development ran this same course compared to a person of the opposite sex you know, such as brother/sister, neighbor female/neighbor male, your mother/your father, etc.? Explain.
4. How do you think these theories of moral development play out in the work place? Does it help the workplace? Can it hurt the work place? Should the workplace be changed according to the works here you read.
Separate questions by number. Send to the safe assignment named THURSDAY FOLK ONLY extra ASSIGNMENT.
Gilligan’s Moral Development addressed the difference of perception between females and males. Gilligan noted “the distinct contrast of views between genders and believed that such differences would relate…