Essay on Political Contribution

Essay on Political Contribution

You have been given one million US dollars to give to established legitimate political causes.
You must give your money to actual political organizations. NOT CHARITIES! You must pick groups that have specific political causes or issues or platforms or policy proposals. These groups must have a web site, mailing address and phone number. Part of the grade for this project is based on you picking political causes, not on which causes you pick, but that they are political causes that stand for something and not charities. I don’t care what political causes you chose, but make sure they (1) lobby government or are (2) involved in campaigns or both. If they do not do at least one of those two things, they are not legitimate political groups and they can not be used in this assignment.

Using the internet or any other resource, find five (5) political causes and divide your money up between them. No group can receive more than $800,000.00 and the total must ad up to exactly $1,000,000.00. First list the names (and web addresses) of the five groups and how much of the million dollars you would give each. Then, in one paragraph each, IN YOUR OWN WORDS, say what each group does and why you would give it the money you did.

Please contact me anytime if you have any question about this order.


Political movements and organizations swarm the different regions of the United States. Some of these movements have been existing for years already, while some are just newly established.

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