Essay On Whitening The Resume

Essay On Whitening The Resume

Read the following articles:

1) Harvard Study Says Minority Job Candidates Are ‘Whitening’ Their Resumes When Looking for Jobs _

2) ‘Whitening’ the Résumé – The New York Times.pdf

3) Discrimination: Will An Employer Toss Your Resume Because of Your Name? (Links to an external site.)

Respond to the following:

What does it meant to be “whitening the resume”?
The Harvard Study talks about applicants who “Americanized” their interests? What is this?


 Scientists argue that race is not biologically determined. Differences in physical features are products of human adaptation to the living environment. Therefore, race is just a concept. However, mere concept it might be, it has successfully penetrated every corner and aspect of our society which includes the workplace. It is so unfortunate that people of color in the United States of America have to ‘whiten’ their resume and ‘Americanize’ their interests with the hope of at least getting a callback from employers. But what do these things mean?

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