Essay On Women Studies
Choose 3 examples from the book that inspired you and helped you look at the possibilities around activism (and how to become an agent of change) in a new way.
Briefly describe who, what and why. What inspired you about their story and activist work?
Women Studies
In Chapter 3 – Rebels with Causes discussed the idea of Emily. She shared her freshman years being engaged in activism. Her story inspired me to become a potent agent of change for real in my own way. I remember the advices of the book which Emily mentioned. First, she said to “build on what already exists, rather than assuming you always have to create things from scratch (p. 61).” This opens my mind that activism is not a one-way street and you do not need to pass through alone. There are people who you come across that have the same belief and ideals and available mechanisms that can help you to work on your mission to achieve the same goals.
The second lesson is to work with other activists’ group. Activists are not the same, although some are sharing common goals from which we can start working on. What is important is that we are building a network that speaks the same language and acts proactively and progressively towards change. Besides being with intellectuals who are mobilizing in schools or in society is noble as they are raising awareness among people.