Essay on Ethical and Cultural Perspectives on Obesity
Post a draft of your cultural and ethical inquiry paper for peer review. You should also post your level 1 and level 2 research questions. Identify any questions or challenges you faced with the assignment, or mention something new you learned about the research question and inquiry paper process. Pose specific questions you would like your peers to address.
The cultural and ethical inquiry paper on obesity has helped me understand the cultural and ethical considerations surrounding this health condition. The activity has also provided multiple insights that pertain to how obesity can be addressed by being ethically and culturally aware. Hence, the issue of obesity is more than just a health problem. Exploring obesity has led to my discovery of different ideas, such as the influence of socioeconomic factors on the development of this condition. Also, it was interesting to know from several studies that addressing obesity is more than just improving diet and exercise. Reducing the obesity rate will also require the participation of all stakeholders, such as the government, community members, health professionals, the state, local, and federal governments, and the food and beverage producers.