Essay on Harlem on My Mind Exhibit

Essay on Harlem on My Mind Exhibit

Please, see below:
1- title, thesis, conclusion, chicago style,
2- How did the exhibition Harlem on My Mind (1969) reveal anti-Blackness in the art world?

3-What was the idea for the exhibition and where did the organizers go wrong in their planning?

4- Discuss a specific point of conflict that exemplifies a central problem regarding the exhibition.


  Harlem on My Mind was a controversial exhibit that caught the public’s attention as it revealed how “white exclusive” museums were. It commanded attention since it was the Metropolitan Museum (MET) first attempt at representing African American through an exhibition1. Although the exhibit may seem empowering for African Americans, it was met with a lot of controversies revealing how racist American society was in the past. One of the major issues that transpired were miscommunications between the exhibit’ s organizers and the Harlem art communities, which fueled Black activism.

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