Essay on Human Relations and Development

Essay on Human Relations and Development

As discussed in the unit lesson, resolving conflict in the workplace requires using interpersonal skills, management skills, and techniques. Interpersonal skills can consist of understanding individual differences, self-esteem, self-confidence, communication, teamwork skills, problem-solving skills, cultural relations skills, motivation skills, customer service skills, ethical behavior skills, and stress management skills. Management skills focus on the type of management skill applied such as collaborating, accommodating, forcing, avoiding, and compromising. As a member of the workforce, you must be able to effectively resolve conflict, either with the use of interpersonal skills, management skills, or by applying the recommended ways of responding to tension in the workplace (e.g., overcoming defensiveness, accepting of the tension, and resolving the tension).
For your Unit VI Assignment, please reflect on your knowledge of resolving conflict that you have experienced or observed in the workplace. Please analyze what you have learned. Describe how your learned knowledge can be used. Also, identify how this information can be used to resolve conflict in the workplace in your current job or from a past incident you have experienced. What steps/methods were used in resolving the conflict?
Your reflection paper should be at least three pages in length, including an introduction, a body that supports your reflection, and a conclusion. Be sure to include a title page. The title page does not count toward the total page requirement.

Conflict is a normal part of a workplace. The diversity in personalities, cultures, interests, generations, and communication skills among the employees, managers, or supervisors can lead to problems. Employees come from different walks of life, but they have a common goal: to work for the company to make it more productive and successful. It is crucial to resolve workplace conflicts so that employees can smoothly get on with their tasks, develop working relationships, and improve productivity in the company.

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