Essay on Comprehensive patient care
The systemic conditions Patient has are: stress, obesity, smoking, alcohol use
I will send a word document. Please use the information I put in the document and correlate them with at least 3 articles that are published within the last 5 years.
This is a case of a 27-year-old male, computer software engineer who mainly works at home for 2 years now and was assessed for his overall periodontal health. He was previously diagnosed with anxiety and stress and was also noted to have a significant smoking history, using around 10-15 cigarettes per day for 9 years or 6.75 pack-years, and alcohol consumption, quantified as 7-8 drinks in a week. Examination also shows that the patient has a BMI of 32.1 which could be classified as obese. All of these different patient factors identified in this case can affect the overall periodontal health of the patient as well as his prognosis.