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Evaluating Sources

Evaluating Information from Sources

  • Evaluate based on currency
    • Timely information for research needs.
    • Is the information recent or historical? what was it created ? Is it out of date? Was the information ever updated?
  • Evaluate based on Authority
    • Information from trusted, expert sources
    • Who wrote the information? What is the background of the author ? What is the reputation of the publisher? Can I obtain additional background information?
  • Evaluate based on Accuracy
    • Information that is true and correct
    • Can the information be verified? Is there a supporting evidence for the information? Has the information ever been reviewed? Is it written in a professional manner?
  • Evaluate based on Relevance
    • Useful , on-point information
    • Does this address my needs? For whom is the information for? What references are cited
  • Evaluate based on Purpose
    •  The reason behind the information
    • Why does this information exist? Is it to educate or advertise or sell? Is this resource presenting information objectively or opinions? does the author have agenda or biases

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