Research Project3–Discussion Post II

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Research Project3–Discussion Post II


Research Project3–Discussion Post II


Read the material about Louise Bourgeois and Constantine Brancusi in chapter 7 of your text as well as the following information provided about Louise Bourgeois: states/a/louise-bourgeois-cumul-i (Links to an external site.)

and read (Links to an external site.)


View this video about Brancusi’s work The Kiss: (Links to an external site.)

and read this article: (Links to an external site.)


  • Do you feel that these artists’ abstractions are more powerful than straightforward depictions of the male and female body?
  • Make sure to discuss both artists and refer to specific works by each artist (Bourgeois and Brancusi) in your post. You must use the examples provided in the text and you may additionally use images in the links for each artist.

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This question is taken from Art 315 – World Perspectives in Art History » Fall 2021 » Discussions