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Module 3 – DQ #1
Module 3 – DQ #1
- What is the broader historical context that the American missionaries fit into? Be specific and “name drop” the historical events/themes that are the context. Hint: Kelsie talks about this during the beginning part of the podcast to frame our conversation.
- How did missionary wives negotiate their gender roles in Hawai’i during the Sandwich Islands Mission? Provide two specific examples and elaborate. Don’t forget to explain what they “should” have been doing and then discuss what they actually did (compare/contrast).
- What was your Golden Moment, meaning the part that was most interesting to you? Why? What did you learn?
- If you could ask one question about this topic, what would you ask? (You do not need to answer it. Remember historians have to ask good questions. You’re practicing that skill here.)
This question is taken from History 111 – The Women in America » Fall 2021 » Discussions